This is the foundation course in my signature series. This course supports the learner in understannding the basics of Recovery Wellness and Innovative Stress Management. My foundational aesthetic is to demystify the esoteric nature holistic Qigoing and Tai Chi. I have utilized these natural healing methods in my own life and have practice daily to stuggle well. I am a Practitioner of non-clinical change and expert in innovative health education.
This 5PWD, LLC Zoom (hybrid) course is the foundation information to develop a comprehensive wellness program. This course is four (4) hours long and is a highly interactive and informative program. Here you will learn the cornerstone of this system; the 5 Step Protocol©.
Once you request a session and enrollment is confirmed you will be emailed a set of assignments to complete before your scheduled call. After you complete this course you will have access to regular updates newsletter and social media.
All money fees are transacted through Venmo or Zelle at this time.
As a Contact Coach I focus on high quality health education. A health educator is a non-clincal behavior change expert. After you have completed the 5 Step Protocol foundation classes you can begin to explore the variety of health education materials and courses to explore a lifetime of extraordinary wellness. Because of my love for integrative healthcare I use a strong platform of a Multi-Modal experience as well as offerings in Qigong and Tai Chi for students to explore. All course are standardized under high quality health education protocols to ensure a fantastic and lasting learning experience.
The foundation of the 5 Step Protocol is necessary to integrate into these session.
This series in a commitment of 10 sessions over a three month period. Each session is a structured curriculum focused on a different body mind system. These sessions are designed to support the learner in growing deeper levels of body awareness and deeper eprience of mindfulness using spiritual wellness methods.
This package includes 10 sessions. The associated health education materials for each session and
Reported outcomes are:
1. Improved Inflammation management strategies - less pain, stiffness and discomfort.
2. Fuller experience of Mindfulness in Time, Space, Body & Mind wellness.
3. Enhanced Range of Motion, fluidity in joints and greater proprioception (Brain & Nervous System.)
4. Improved energy levels and increased intuition capacity.
5. Deeper motivation to change and grow personal wellness goals.
6. Enhanced rapport with people, places and things.
Neil is a sought-after keynote speaker and conference presenter:
Signature Series Talks and Discussions for blogs, videos and podcasts
1. 5 Step Protocol - Body Mind Heuristics for Extraodianry Wellness
2. Before, During and After Trauma Informed Care - A Practitioners Journey.
3. Recovery Wellbess and Innovative Stress Management and De
4. Health Education Strategies with integrative treatment and care with Qigong and Tai Chi
5. Recovery topics inculding Harm Reduction in the Work Place, Team building with TIC, and
**Fees do not include travel and expenses**
1) Designed for Providers and Practitioners who want to enhance their clinical skills when treating patients diagnosed with Substance Use Disorder (SUD). Gain insights into field screenings, brief interventions and referals to treatment.
2) Learn how to work and grow through personal bias, fatigue, and constant stressors of life. Cultivate effective communication strategies when treating and caring for victims after a Narcan reversal. Experience immediate enhanced rapport building and positive clinical outcomes base on non-judgemental care and practice.
3) Discover, network and learn how to appropriately dispense recovery resources from within your service area including county, state, Federal and National agencies. Learn how to collaborate and build treatment partnerships with Practitioners and Providers from public and private treatment centers. These Include all Harm Reduction Centers in NJ.
4) Develop and practice Therapeutic Communication skills as a Contact Coach. Learn Innovative Stress Management strategies; The goal is to coach your patients to higher levels of wellness, while following clinical guidelines and protocols to better manage Substance Use Disorders.
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World Wellness Cafe© - a community event designed to raise awareness on Overdose and Suicide Prevention. This space is a platform to form intelligent collaborations with high quality colleaques and community event organizers. For more information on how to arrainge for this mobile pop up event please contact us.
The World Wellness Cafe in action at your favorite trade shows, you local community events, on-line communities and much more. In this realm science arts and healing thrive to support human growth towards life and learning.
Location- Hamilton New Jersey